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This band is awesome live!

October - Worcester Centrum Centre, Mass

This was me in front row.

We got in a parking lot across from the arena aabout an hour before the show. We walked to the will-call box to pick upour tickets and notice a man walking in a door so we follow. As we walk by we notice a giant window and that we just CUT THE WHOLE LINE!! So we run into the arena and it is EMPTY! we had to tun back up the the lobby becuz we had FLGA [floor, general admission] section but no wristbands, so when we get them n run back to the floor people are fillin up the seats and we r so psyched that we are in front row. About 7 pm the lights go out the curtin rises. XZIBIT hits the stage w/ his crew and does a few songs from his new album. After P-Roach rocks the house as I stare @ Jerry ( <3 ) and Coby runs right by me! Later Eminem comes out w/ a hockey mask n a chainsaw w/ the house from the cover of his cd behind him. He begins the show n later changes the set to a caste and comes out in an electric chair. AFter his act we wait about an hour for Limp to come out [time for their stage set up] while waiting I see Tobin from P-Roach n talk to him, but not able to get a pic w/ him. Limp comes out in rocks the house as usual. He had Mr.Wiggles from the Rollin' video along w/ the bizkettes. Xzibit came out 2 do getcha groove on and he brought a girl on stage n frenched her. The show ended a little B4 midnight....all i gotta say is..IT KICKED ASS!!!....-Me

July 14 & 15 - Worcester Palladium, Mass

This show was a blast. First plus was it was FREE!! Friday: Me along with 5 other friends arrived @ the Palladium @ about 5am. We waited in line till about 11-12 in the afternoon. There was a little trouble in the line @ times, problems with need of water, time consuming, and bigger the end of the line decided to cut the line which didn't make the people that waited all night too happy. We had a small water fight with the passed out water bottles and Adam, one of the people with me even soaked an officer. He wasn't arrested which was cool. The wait wasn't perfect, but everyone survived. At about 4 p, we decided to walk back to the palladium and start waiting to get in. Yet again Adam made his self usuful. People were walking around the lines passing out flyers, tapes, condoms, and Adam's favorite stickers. He made himself a "Human Billboard". Covered w/ Romp..Flawless Records..Chocolate Starfish..etc. Soon after we were moved up more to the line to wait. The sun was glaring on all of us as we still had about 2 hours to wait. We made ourselves busy by talking. Finally the Staff let us go...we were quickly checked @ the door and then ran on in. Since we were in the front of the line we had anywhere to go. We found a small booth but then decided to go onto the floor where some of us met Nate. We were introduced to a Metallica cover band, Alcoholica. Which was a little strange because of metallica and napster, but anyways. Soon after Cypress Hill rocked the stage and brought out a FOUR FOOT bong. After that we were all pushed back while they set up the barracades and cage on stage. The rest of the show was amazing starting off with a song from the new album "Hot Dog" and ending off with "Nookie". The next day only one other person from the group from friday night came with me, Ylana. We got there during CH but we had some trouble with getting Ylana getting on the floor but she soon convinced him. We bought a shirt and made our way to FRONT ROW during LB. It was one of the funnest times I've ever had! Me n Ylana were very squished and were both taken out around the 4th or 5th song. But before then we got to be right infront of Sam Rivers and Fred Durst came up right infront of me (I touched his theigh o.O) About 3-4 songs before the concert ended me and Ylana left, we went out to the parking lot. After the concert i got my LB shirt signed by all the members of LB and 2 people from cypress hill. We waited there four about 2 hours in the rain. But we agreed...IT WAS DEFINATELY WORTH IT!...-Me

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