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How the fuck did this happen?

John          Wes          Fred         Sam          DJ Lethal

Limp Bizkit is anything but what's implied by its unusual moniker which, by the way, refers to the "limp bizkit" brain of one of the band's "burnt out, pot-smoking maniac" roadies. These Jacksonville gents possess one helluva monstrous sound that will literally knock the wind right out of you. Dark, intense, powerful, enlightening and energetic Limp Bizkit redefines any and all musical genre barriers whilecreating an entirely new standard for aggressive music. Definitely a leader and not a follower, Limp Bizkit slams out a completely innovative, singularsound steeped in funky-ass bass grinds, tinges of jazzy percussion, phat hip-hop grooves, jagged guitar riffs and an overall intensity that packs a wallop with more bite than a pissed off pitbull on crack. The vocals range from angry outbursts and vein-popping screams to groovy little raps and soft spoken,seductive whispers. The Bizkit began in late 1994 when vocalist Fred Durst hooked up with his long time friend and bass player, Sam Rivers, who in turn recommended bringing his jazz drumming cousin, John Otto, in to round out the rhythm section. Before long, guitarist Wes Borland and DJ Lethal (House of Pain) joined the fold and Limp Bizkit was born. Their first break came when a little (ahem) band by the name of Korn played their first gig in the Jacksonville area. After the show, Korn's bassist Fieldy and guitarist Head met up with Fred and went back to his place to get a few tattoos (Fred is not only an amazing singer, but also an accomplished tattoo artist). An instant bond of friendship was struck between them and the next time Korn came back to Jacksonville they hooked up with Fred again.This time Fieldy and Head heard the Limp Bizkit demo and were immediately impressed with the band's powerful sound so much so that they promised to pass the tape along to producer Ross Robinson (Sepultura, Korn). They did,and Ross loved it. The buzz on the band began to intensify twofold and, as a result, Limp Bizkit landed a tour with House of Pain and another with theDeftones. Offers from record labels across the country began pouring in. After carefully considering all of the deals, Limp Bizkit chose to signwith up-and-coming indie label Flip Records, which in turn brought them to Interscope. Produced by Ross Robinson and mixed by Andy Wallace (Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins), Limp Bizkit's phenomenal debut album, Three Dollar Bill, Y'all$, blends the perfect amount of street-wise attitude, honest emotion, slammin' grinds, instantly infectious grooves and powerful Iyrics into one huge, bubbling cauldron of intense power. The Iyrics are as potent as they are personal and the band's straight from the heart style of songwriting will appeal to all audiences. The furious, vengeful "Counterfeit" retaliates against "fake people" who change themselves and their appearance just to fit in with a certain crowd, while the encapsulation, shuddering explosion of "Pollution" rages against people who constantly criticize loud music as "noise pollution." The jazz-encrusted, angry reproach of"Stuck" strikes out against individuals who are motivated solely by greed and the catchy, groove-laden "Stalemate" digs deep into the festering heart of a relationship gone sour. Every song is a must-listen.